Women-led Water Ventures
At Umurage Growth, we understand that water access affects nearly every issue women face in their communities, from violence to health and education. Access to clean, safe, and affordable water is pivotal for achieving personal and community well-being, including hygiene, health, sanitation, safety, family harmony, education, and gender equity. In East Africa:
Women and girls still walk an average 6 km (3.7 mi) daily to a contaminated source to collect water.
Women have less time to generate income. Girls miss part of the school day, falling behind; many drop out.
Women and girls are at risk of rape traveling to remote water sites, and the long duration can trigger domestic violence at home.
The disabled and elderly who cannot collect water on their own can be sexually exploited by men who deliver them water, spreading HIV.
Key Success Factors
There is an explicit and critical link between women’s well-being and their access to clean water. Water is both a root cause of violence and an avenue for empowerment and freedom from abuse for women and girls.
We believe women are best poised to design and operate village water infrastructure, ensuring services to those with the greatest need. This is not just about letting women inform the projects driven by industry experts or other leaders. We partner with local women and provide the training and resources needed so that they lead the entire turnkey process.
We use a highly impactful Conscious Social Change approach, which encourages the integration of mindfulness and participatory solutions. Our inner work practices support personal well-being, confidence, and agency while encouraging more diverse perspectives, and collaborative problem-solving.
Water access points become places of community empowerment. Our Academy for Conscious Change inspires women to reach beyond water to explore innovative ways to address a complex range of issues affecting their communities.
“Now I understand that there is hope. Now people can see that women can be leaders in the community. When women work together we achieve something good.”
— Mediatrice, beneficiary of Let Us Build Ourselves
Water Access
A Root Cause of Poverty & Violence
Globally, of the 1.8 billion people who have no access to safe water, women and girls bear the greatest burden for its collection.
Women-Led Solutions
Maximize Social Impact
When women manage their own water ventures it provides greater confidence and inspires far-reaching social change.
Umurage Growth’s Model
Conscious Social Change
Our two-year model for women-led water enterprises includes a unique blend of training, high-engagement support, and seed funding.
Integrating Mindfulness
Enhancing Sustainability
Our unique holistic blend of inner work and mindfulness-based social venture training catalyzes inner and outer transformation.